What is windows pc health check app
What is windows pc health check app

what is windows pc health check app

Windows 11 is rolling out in just two weeks.

what is windows pc health check app

Why is Microsoft putting its foot down against non-compatible PCs? The Verge suspects that Microsoft is trying its darndest to coerce Windows users to ditch their aging PCs and buy new ones. In other words, you're free to install Windows 11, but you're on your own if something goes awry. The warning goes on to say that damages to one's PC as a result of installing Windows 11 disqualifies users from using their warranty. If you proceed with installing Windows 11, your PC will no longer be supported and won't be entitled to receive update."

what is windows pc health check app

Installing Windows 11 on this PC is not recommended and may result in compatibility issues. "This PC doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for running Windows 11 - these requirements help to ensure a more reliable and higher quality experience. If you try to install Windows 11 on an ineligible system, you'll receive the following message: The Redmond-based tech giant reserves the right to withhold updates from your system - even security patches. Windows 11 (Image credit: won't block incompatible PCs from installing Windows 11 (users can manually download the new OS via an ISO file), however, there is a caveat.

What is windows pc health check app