If i were brave lyrics
If i were brave lyrics

If you wish, we will also remove from our Songs For Sale catalog this song and any other songs for which you hold the copyright. And what the hell is this Who made this bloody mess And someone always answers like a martyr. We will be happy to pay you industry-standard print royalties, retroactively to our first resale if any of this sheet music. If so, please contact us and let us know. All the happy couples on their way to New Orleans Reminding me of when we got along They're only renting time and space to fill up with their dreams And dreams are what they'll have when they have gone How could it be that I was born without a clue to carry on And still it is the same now I am older Armed with just a will and then this love for singing songs And minding less and less if I am. We make a good-faith effort to identify copyright holders and pay appropriate print royalties for sheet music sales, but it’s possible that for this song we have not identified and paid you fair royalties. IF YOU ARE THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER: you are entitled to print royalties from all resales of this sheet music.

if i were brave lyrics if i were brave lyrics

Note that you are NOT the copyright holder if you performed this song, or if you arranged a song that’s already copyrighted. Tunescribers is committed to paying fair print royalties for all sheet music that we resell through our Songs For Sale service.ĪRE YOU THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER? You hold the copyright to this song if (a) you composed it and retained ownership of copyright, or (b) it’s in the public domain, you arranged it and retained ownership of copyright, or (c) you acquired the copyright from a previous owner.

If i were brave lyrics